• Leadership Vermilion

  • The Leadership Vermilion Program was formed by the Vermilion Chamber of Commerce in 2014 to develop informed and committed citizens in order to strengthen and improve the quality of life for all Vermilion residents.


    This program is an avenue for the development of tomorrow’s community leaders. The program offers participants a collaborative forum in understanding the facets of our community and the services provided to its citizens. Candidates enjoy:

    • the pursuit of life-long learning
    • knowledge of issues firsthand, thereby becoming effective in influencing policy change on a community level
    • a greater pool of business/professional contacts throughout the Vermilion Parish area
    • effective interaction with local government and community agencies, special-interest groups satisfying personal contacts in civic, business and professional life
    Selection Process:

    Nominees are accepted from public and private agencies, corporations, civic and other organizations, and individual nominators. Applicants are accepted on the basis of demonstrated leadership ability through career or community achievements, concern for the future of Vermilion Parish and commitment to the program. Every November, a Leadership Vermilion Steering Committee selects no more than twenty candidates, based on a cross-section of the community in terms of occupation, gender, race, age, and affiliations.

    Applications for Leadership Vermilion open in June..

  • The Program:

    Leadership Vermilion starts with nine months of training with a Welcome Orientation session beginning in September. From October to May, the class devotes an entire day, monthly, for lectures, discussions, field trips, and practical experiences that will help the participants become better informed about their community. The class concludes with a graduation ceremony in June.  


    Thank you to the supporters of Leadership Vermilion: