Celebrity Chefs Celebration 2018 Hosted by Mount Carmel School of Abbeville
Celebrity Chefs Celebration 2018
Hosted by Mount Carmel School of Abbeville
Please join us for our annual Celebrity Chefs Celebration. This year our theme will be "Mad as a Hatter"(Alice in Wonderland theme). Tickets are $75.00 each for a 6 course culinary meal with complimentary wine. Casual attire or costume is welcomed for this celebration. A Silent and Live auction will be held throughout the evening. Tickets can be purchased at school or by contacting Marcy Lege at mlege@mceschool.com Money raised from this event will benefit the teachers of Mount Carmel.
Celebrity Chefs Celebration 2018 Host...
Date and Time
Monday Oct 22, 2018 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM CDT
Monday, October 22 at 6:00PM-10:00PM
Magdalen Place
2 South Magdalen Square
Abbeville, LA 70510